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ADC Confidentiality Notice


Andesur Development Corporation 
Cruz & Associates

Custom Pre-Designed Home Plans


Residential | Commercial | Industrial | Project Development


Luis A. Cruz: +1 (672) 377-0892


Luis Jr. Rossano Cruz:

+1 (604) 506-6799





The information in this email/website/communication/mobile app (digital or otherwise) may be Copyright © 2021 Andesur Development Corporation protected, confidential and/or privileged. All 'for profit' gains of this website material must accompany an authorization by Luis Cruz as per Andesur Development Corporation.


The Only Authorization:

Luis Cruz authorizes 'only' all viewing, reference to, or recommendation of such Copyright material, his products and business services from this or any email, web, communication and mobile app of Andesur Development Corporation.


'For Profit' Permissions Unauthorized (*)(*1):

1) The Copyright content of this email, website or mobile app is intended to be reviewed by the individual or organization of the online/internet/World Wide Web community and shall not to be copied, forwarded, redistributed or posted 'for profit' on the World Wide Web, without expressed written permission of the creator/author of such material (*)(*1).


Luis Cruz Ownership of All 'For Profit' Estimates:

2) All, 'for profit' estimates are expressly written, owned, all rights reserved by the creator/author Luis Cruz as per Andesur Development Corporation for such Copyright material, found herein this any or all email/website/communication or mobile app.


No Unauthorized Negotiation of Andesur Development Corporation Material:

3) This Copyright material must not be negotiated outside an official agreement/receipt/invoice/or authorized consultation provided by Luis Cruz as per Andesur Development Corporation (and it's divisions, companies and associates).


No Price Fixing & No Competition (*2):

4) No fixing of any prices or estimates, concerning the existing or newly proposed project developments found herein this email, website, communication or mobile app. These prices and it's competition, may not be provided or proposed outside the terms and conditions of an official Andesur Development Corporation estimate (*2).


All Unauthorized 'For Profit' Use Is Prohibited:

5) If you are not the authorized recipient or legal representative of the creator/author/right holder, you are hereby notified through all rights reservation by Andesur Development Corporation, that any review, dissemination or copying of this email/website/or mobile app and its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein, intended 'for profit,' are prohibited.


Reception Found In Error:

6) If you have received in error, the material of this email/website/or mobile app, as an intended authorized party 'for profit,' please immediately notify the sender by return email or any correspondence and delete their email/correspondence from your system.



(*) Only written authorized permissions by Luis Cruz, as per Andesur Development Corporation, will be recognized.


(*1) Luis Cruz, as per Andesur Development Corporation, is the sole Architect, designer, royalty recipient, 100% shares owner of the Andesur Development Corporation product(s) and business service(s) offered to the public or privately, in the Copyright material found herein this email/website/communication or mobile app.


(*2) All Andesur Development Corporation estimates, prices, or it's competition, encompass individual, multi-lot subdivision, of a commercial nature, or industrial unit(s), for any existing, or newly proposed construction.


Please and Thank You;

Luis Cruz, as per Andesur Development Corporation


All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2021 Andesur Development Corporation.

Luis A. Cruz (President CEO)

Luis Jr. Rossano Cruz (VP Tech Manager)



Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

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